All of a sudden I look in the mirror and the eyebrows are like wild bushes, there are stray chin spikes – WTF? is this emerging after a winter of hiding in the dark. The sunshine is lovely but when scrutinising the face in the mirror it brings me out in lumps. Well there are lumps there so I am assuming the have just come out or have they alio been lurking there all the time but not acknowledged in the half light of the bathroom mirror in January.
So here’s February. The pale white rough face – hell I need a pumice stone for my face. What? Is this age? Weather? A bad joke? No – just me it seems.
A maintenance call. Off to the hairdresser. Every 6 weeks. No way. It costs too much. I found some hair in the sink last night and realised teenwolf had been chopping his own hair. I considered if for a second and then in light of the horror face thought no I need a grown up to show me how to hide my face with hairy swathes. So off I go. On my way home I collect teenwolf. As he clambered in he said ‘What have you done now?’
Filling me with confidence as usual.
Highlights I answered.
Highlights?!! You look like badger.
A very angry badger I snapped back.
Why are we stopping here? he asked.
You’re walking home. I announced. Badgers are dangerous they carry TB not teenagers.
Out he went. walking 500 yards home wasn’t too tortuous but it helped me when I got back to the set to calm down before he came in smirking.