Category: Roadtrip
Song for Boris. Go Boris Go.
My Mum died on April 9th last year in a Care Home. I couldn’t visit her for months, she had dementia and by the time…
Meldrum House -a dog friendly, delightful destination.
I know I know I sound like a stuck record but really. This time of year in our glorious country matches and beats hands down…
Lugging trunks on holiday are a thing of the past – hallelujah.
So there I was gas and air getting my legs waxed just before Christmas chatting to the unfortunate girl faced with my hairy extremities….
Le Manoir – French dream is a reality.
When I imagined staying in a French house overnight with food and wine and lovely hospitality – I thought it was just a dream but…
Just chatting on the road with Mum….oh and drinking…of course.
Funny how conversations go. I remember when the Black Panther was at large I was staying in a Caravan with my cousin in a field…
Road Trip Thelma & Louise Day 1
So we’re off. Mum and I are heading off to Europe today in the car. In preparation last night we drank a lovely bottle…
High Visibility Pillock Spotted In Mirror. Me.
So the road trip plan is going on – and on – and on. I am the culprit. I could organise I piss up in…