Tag: teenagers
Granny becomes fashion victim
Have you seen these breeks with holes, slits cut right up and down the leg? It looks as if they have been in a thresher….
Teenwolf is in Zante – NOW
He packed his case 6 hours before he left. He was leaving at 4am so it was just before he fell into a slump. After…
Zante trip imminent. Smelling salts for the parents please.
This time next week the boy who has turned into a teenwolf and teeters on manhood is off to Zante. Yes the island that has…
Bloody teenagers!
So angry yesterday I was fit to be tied, Teenwolf had a group of pals round to the communal gardens – again – on…
Teenwolf Day 3 – The Toys are out of the pram.
Incandescent with rage I’m afraid. All jocularity about the teenwolf and his laundry habits are over. This morning, on discovering a massive pile of rubbish…
Teenwolf is set the ultimate challenge….can he rise to it?
What do you give a teenage boy to whip him into a frenzy? Beer? Beer that cannot be detected on the breath by the sharp…
Teenwolf nearly bursts dog
Went out yesterday 9.30 am Teenwolf was still in bed. Can you please take the dogs out when you get up it’s pouring and they…
School’s Back ’til Summer – Alice Pooper
Last minute lottery stuff as usual. On the eve of school going back. Digging out the school breeks – they have holes in them. Where…
Teenwolf and paranoia.
Teenwolf has just come in, given me the ‘ Oh God are you still here?’ look before sloping upstairs. 3 minutes later he appeared in…
I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby – no really!
Yesterday afternoon we ended up at a party with a cast of dozens from a 6 month old baby to a 79 year old…