How to live forever.

You know I am not entirely sure it’s the diet that makes Mediterranean people live so much longer than us. I reckon it’s the sun. The big blastingly hot UV ball in the sky. Having escaped the rigours of Scotland for a few days in the sun that feeling of well being is instantaneous. The exhaling, relaxing, untying of boot laces, and unzipping of fleeces, the rolling down of thick tights and trousers and the – only horrible bit – wriggling into a swimsuit to lie prone on a lounger letting the dry heat bake your bones is theelixir of life. Within an hour I am cured. Cured of winter, of shivering of, hunching my back up to try and retain heat, of blue tinged fingers and toes. Instead of dreading the stomp outside I am making excused to meander around inhaling the fresh sea air, and shuffling along in my fit flop – quite how they cold make anyone fit at this speed is beyond me.
hell thismorning I even ran. I did. No there is not photographic evidence but I donned the trainsers and a pair of baggy black breeks with t shirt and went off. How lovely it is running along the waters edge bobbing boats, clear water with fish swishing around and café owners setting up their tables and chairs for the day. I was out for 30 mintues and it felt ike 5. At home I am out for 5 mnutes and it feels like 30 – hours.
No I could be fit. I could be thin. I could the picture of health. Off white, relaxed and live to be 124. So why do I live in Scotland.
Well when I work that I will blog about that too,
Til then I can feel a small perfectly formed beer coming on.


Writer & broadcaster.

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