Early program ages woman 500 years shocker.

A self portrait
Blimey. What a weekend. What a week.

Was doing a breakfast radio show all last week solo 6am – 10 am and then on Friday I was filming with The One Show in Edinburgh. Yes you guessed it by Friday I was looking a little like Gollum with the perceived IQ of a lumpen piece of wood.
After such a busy but great week I finished it off by sitting with my best pal Dynamite in Café Fish – yes again! – by 5pm on Friday. She is a fellow breakfast show presenter so used to being up in the middle of the night and thus 5pm is the equivalent of 8pm to normal humans so we were well ready for a large meal and to let off a bit of steam.

Only ever seen with dark glasses in daylight Dynamite and Gollum
It’s not good for the crunching of the face that early early start though. Dyna has the ability to cat nap. She just nods off wherever she is. Often when I am talking to her. Though that may say more about me than her. Still as a result she retains a fresh faced beauty rerely seen from a nocturnal worker. I on the other hand was lucky they didn’t hand me a walking stick, smelling salts and the emergency services on speed dial.

So I digress, we had a great meal, great chat and then sloped off to The Baillie – where the long suffering husband and I first met. So we began to behave like we did when we met all those years ago, standing up at the bar, telling ribald jokes and refusing to leave ‘til closing time. Aye it’s good for the soul.

So here we are Monday morning. Another week ahead – happily not one I will be jumping out of bed at 4.30am every morning.

My blogging hat is back on. Jaunty isn’t it?


Writer & broadcaster.

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