If you share your life with a terrier you will know the word terrier must come from the word terrorist. Small in stature, monumental in personality our home is run by this one, the scruffy, hairy article pictured at the top of this page lying giving the evil eye. The reason? We had the audacity to toast a whole bag of big pink and white mushrooms on a fork until they were bubbling, brown and meltingly gorgeous. Eating them all without so much as a scrap for the terrorist as you can see went down very badly indeed. She is making us suffer.
Meanwhile the lab cross just lies around looking sorry for being alive. ‘Sorry I love you, sorry I really love you. By the way did I tell you I LOVE YOU.’ her eyes say.
Her ingratiating behaviour has just considerably worse as we welcome Nelly the lurcher into our midst. Mum popped in for a cup of coffee 10 days ago and thanks to the snow is still here.
Nelly is a long, tall, spindle. I call her my own personal spirtle, she is pointy but delicious and as you can tell by her barnett another terrorist. So as the terrorists join forces and lie by the fire they just focus on Sammy the lab for the hell of it. I know there is going to be trouble. Mainly for me as I will have to share the couch with all three dogs and their 12 legs. Still cheaper than British Gas I can recommend them as toe warming, heat seeking, snuggle blankets. And remember Edinburgh Cat & Dog Homes are always looking for happy homes for their array of scruffy mutts, sleek beauties and terrorists. There 3 all came from there and you couldn’t do any better in the world.