Teenwolf has just come in, given me the ‘ Oh God are you still here?’ look before sloping upstairs. 3 minutes later he appeared in the kitchen. ‘Um hungry’ he mumbled before emptying a cupboard of all edible things and I am pretty sure some packaging too. As he guzzled I took my life in my hands and asked ‘so what was going today at school then?’ with my rather too practised, calm, don’t want a fight, I’m not really the vile harridan you think I am, Doris Day expression on my face. ‘Nuthin’ he said showcasing an accent that is neither Scots, English, Irish, Welsh, Canadian but more chimp than anything. ‘Oh guitar’ he said looking vaguely animated for a micro-second ”m learnin’ Paranoid’ he added clearly hoping to flummux the ancient crone that is his mother.
‘Oh Sabbath’ I said casually and despite his practised air of indifference his sprouting eyebrows shot up ‘YOU know it?’ ‘Yeh’ I said grabbing the ukelele that lives in the kitchen and giving him an off the cuff rendition. Disgusted isn’t strong enough for his expression as he lowered his brows before he ran off, upstairs, plugged in his electric plank and started spanking it. I am pretty sure he hates me you know. Or am I just Paranoid?